WIX(dot)COM Launches a $200 Million Share Buyback. Is the Stock of the Provider of AI Tools for web Presence Taking off now?

The Wix(dot)com stock is one of the AI profiteers. Following a setback in recent weeks to the adjusted pivotal price line resulting from the latest figures, the consolidation could now be coming to an end. What makes the stock interesting?

The group has more than 268 million users and generates over $1.2 billion in annual recurring revenue with its tools to automate the creation of websites, create online stores, implement online appointment bookings or help restaurants implement an online presence including a booking system. Customers pay a monthly fee of up to €177. As the group recently reported, the AI-based website builder is particularly popular for automating the creation of websites. A tool was also introduced to create mobile apps by voice command, which can then be further processed.

By 2026, WIX(dot)COM should expand earnings from $5.58 to $8.72. The P/E ratio will then fall to 18, which is not too much for a growth stock with AI fantasy. The fact that management is convinced is shown by today's launch of a new share buyback program of $200 million. This could be the trigger that ends the consolidation and starts the trend following for the share!

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